
With current cancer statistical data sustaining somewhat behind heart disease in the Canada and the United States, there is a perfect chance that a person living with cancer, their healthcare providers or their family members would search for relief in a stress free location such as a spa.

Brands identify a mixture between medical-wellness-spa and this exactly is the condition with our bringing focus on the Mórag Currin Method of Oncology Esthetics™ (MCMOE).

While our bringing focus is initially on people meeting with cancer, one has to realize, that at times, a customer has supplementary difficulties while possessing other health concerns or disabilities to make allowance for, inclusively of the influence from a cocktail of preparations.

Individualization spa treatments, momentarily, is the basis to a prosperous result. For the customer, getting to know that their selected esthetician that is supplying them with a spa service is qualified and skilled to treat their disease, and receives the supplemented fear away from the customer that they will be in the best hands.

Every person, independently of their disease and/or physical dysfunction demands to be greeted into a spa for a curing, and no-one should be gone away from a spa without a really profound reason. Many spa staff is unintelligent about their managing of customers with special demands, and the onus is on the spa arrangement to assure their staff are absolutely skilled to control all situations, under different ramifications.

Laerning is what creates the difference.

Touch For Cancer provides coaching utilizing the Morag Currin Method of Oncology Esthetics (MCMOE) for licensed estheticians in the spa and medical surrounding.

Attend our Education page for class contents



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